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Academic Genealogy

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John Argyropoulos

(Univ. of Fadua, 1444)
He was a lecturer, philosopher, and humanist, one of the émigré Greek scholars 
who pioneered the revival of classical Greek learning in 15th-century Italy.

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Leonardo da Vinci

(Univ. of Fadua)
He was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance 
who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, 
scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect.

Marsilio Ficino

(Univ. of Fluorence, 1462)
He was an Italian scholar and Catholic priest who was one of the most 
influential humanist philosophers of the early Italian Renaissance. 
He coined the term 'Platonic love'.

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Angelo Poliziano

(Univ. of Fluorence, 1477)
He was an Italian poet, humanist, and philologist.
Generally considered the greatest among the Italian poets of the 15th century.

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Scipione Forteguerri

(Univ. of Fluorence, 1493)
Known as Carteromaco 
He was an Italian grammarian and humanist.

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Girolamo Aleandro

(Univ. of Padua, 1508)
An Italian cardinal
He headed opposition to Martin Luther.

Rutger Rescius

(Univ. Paris, 1513)
A humanist and first professor of Greek and Leuven's College Trilingual

René Drouyn

(Paris Faculty of Medicine, ?)

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Jean Tagault 

(Paris Faculty of Medicine, 1522)
Jean Tagault was an important surgeon and academician 
in Paris during the first half of the sixteenth century.

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Jacques Dubois

(Paris Faculty of Medicine, 1530)
A French anatomist 
He was the first to describe venous valves,
although their function was later discovered by William Harvey. 

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Johann Winter von Andernach

(Paris Faculty of Medicine, 1532)
He was a German Renaissance physician, university professor, humanist, translator of ancient, 
mostly medical works, and writer of his own medical, philological and humanities works.

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Guillaume Rondelet

(Paris Faculty of Medicine, ?)
His major work was a lengthy treatise on marine animals that 
became a standard reference work for about a century afterwards.

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Petrus Ryff

(Univ. of Montpellier, 1557)

known for his classification of psychiatric diseases, 
and the first to describe an intracranial tumour

Petrus Ryff

(Univ. of Basel, 1584)

Medicine, mathematics, astronomy

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Emmanuel Stupanus

(Univ. of Basel, 1613)


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Franciscus Sylvius

(Univ. of Basel, 1637)

He founded the first academic chemical laboratory
Known for 'Sylvian fissure'

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Burchard de Volder

(Leiden Univ., 1664)

A Dutch physician

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Herman Boerhaave

(Leiden Univ., 1690)

Founder of clinical teaching and modern academic hospital

His motto was Simplex sigillum veri; simplicity is the sign of truth

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Andrew Plummer

(Leiden Univ., 1722)

He developed ideas on the attractive and repulsive forces involved in chemical affinity

William Cullen

(Univ. of Glasgow, 1740)

Central figure in Scottish enlightenment

Author of popular medical textbook

'First Lines of the Practice of Physic'
He invented the basis of modern refrigeration

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Joseph Black

(Univ. of Edinburgh, 1754)

Discoveries of magnesium, latent heat, specific heat, and carbon dioxide

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Benjamin Rush

(Univ. of Edinburgh, 1768)

A 'Founding Father of the United States'

who signed the U.S. Declaration of Independence

James Woodhouse

(Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1792)

Robert Hare

(Univ. of Pennsylvania, -)

Development of the 'galvanic deflagrator'

, a type of voltaic battery

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August Wilhelm von Hofmann

(Justus-Liebig-Univ. Gießen, 1841)

Organic synthesis

Hofmann rearrangement
Hofmann elimination
Hofmann voltameter
Hofmann–Löffler reaction
Hofmann–Martius rearrangement
Ball-and-stick model

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Benjamin Silliman, Sr.

(Yale Univ., 1796)

The first person to fractionate petroleum by distillation

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Josiah Parson Cooke

(Harvard Univ., 1848)

Instrumental in the measurement of atomic weights

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Walther Nernst

(Univ. Würzburg, 1887)

Third Law of Thermodynamics
Nernst lamp / Nernst equation
Nernst effect / Nernst heat theorem
Nernst potential / Nernst–Planck equation
Nernst's distribution law

Charles Loring Jackson

(Harvard Univ., 1871)

The first significant organic chemist in the USA

Henry Augustus Torrey

(Harvard Univ., 1875)

Structural organic chemistry

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Theodore William Richards

(Harvard Univ., 1888)

Determination of atomic weights

The first American scientist to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1914

Electrochemistry / Thermochemistry







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Roger Adams

(Harvard Univ., 1912)

Adams' catalyst



Samuel Marion McElvain

(Univ. of Illinois, 1923)

Research on the mechanism of the Claisen condensation

Editorial board of JACS (1946-56)


Otto Paul Hermann Diels

(Unvi. Berlin, 1899)
Diels–Alder reaction
Diels–Reese reaction
Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1950)

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Richard Willstätter

(Unvi. München, 1894)
Plant pigments chlorophyll
Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1915)

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Daniel S. Kemp

(Harvard Univ., 1964)

Synthesis and conformational analysis of peptides

Gilbert Stork

(Univ. of Wisconsin, 1945)

Stork enamine synthesis

Total synthesis of quinine


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David J. Goldsmith

(Columbia Univ., 1957)

Synthesis of biologically active natural products


Robert B. Woodward

(MIT, 1937)

Organic chemist

Synthesis of vitamin B12

Nobel prize in chemistry 1965



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W. Clark Still

(Emory Univ., 1972)

Fluorescing molecular species

Witting-Still rearrangement

Still-Gennari alkenation

Total synthesis of periplanone B and monensin

Flash column chromatography

Computational chemistry ('MarcoModel')

Julius Rebek, Jr.

(MIT, 1970)

Molecular self-assembly


Molecular machine

Molecular recognition



Franz Sondheimer

(Imperial College, 1948)

Synthesis of [18]annulene

Development of routes to the compounds related both to cortisone and to the sex hormones

Albert Eschenmoser

(ETH, 1952)

Synthesis of heterocyclic natural compounds

Synthesis of vitamin B12

Photochemical 'A/D variant'

Origins of Life research

TNA and artificial nucleic acids



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Jong-In Hong

(Columbia Univ., 1990)

Molecular recognition and supramolecular chemistry

Andrew B. Holmes

(UCL, 1971)

Discovery of electroluminescent polymers

- polymer-based light-emitting devices 



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Tae-Hyuk Kwon

(Seoul National Univ., 2006)

Energy recognition



Deok-Ho Roh

(Ulsan National Institute Science and Technology, UNIST, 2022)

Electronic coupling engineering of conjugated materials

for energy conversion and storage

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Phone: +82-10-9519-9870

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